How painful is a liver biopsy?

A liver biopsy is a diagnostic procedure in which doctors remove a small piece of liver tissue and examine it under a microscope to figure out the damage or disease. When you approach a Gastroenterologist in Jaipur for a liver biopsy, they will help you to know about it in detail.

But majorly, people have thought about the pain. If you also have the same question that how painful liver biopsy is, then you need to go through this article till the last know about it.

liver biopsy

How painful is a liver biopsy?

At the very first, you need to be sure that during the procedure, doctors will give you anesthesia. After giving you anesthesia, they will start the procedure. But when you come out of the effect of anesthesia, chances are there you might face mild discomfort. Sometimes the pain makes a person uncomfortable, and at that moment, giving the narcotic pain medication will be the solution. A gastroenterologist provides you treatment. After a liver biopsy, chances are there bleeding takes place, so the doctor will take care of it according to the condition.

Things to consider after the procedure:

As we all know, after the procedure completion, you might face some pain, so you need to take enough precautions. These are as follows:-

  • A patient will be kept under observation, and a nurse will monitor his blood pressure, pulse rate, and breathing so that they can easily prepare if there are any complications.
  • 2 to 4 hours are required if a patient has gone through the transjugular procedure. When you approach a doctor for liver biopsy treatment in Jaipur, they will help you to know about this procedure in detail.
  • A patient cannot lift a weight of more than 15 pounds for one week.
  • You need to take all the prescribed medicines timely.
  • Make sure to take a week's break because it will take almost a week for you to get completely recover and get back to your activities. You can go to work the week after a liver biopsy.
  • You will be discharged from the hospital the same day, so don't forget to make the arrangements at your home before leaving.

Some risks you know:-

Well, liver biopsy is a safe procedure, and if you approach Dr. Shankar Dhaka, he will help you to know about the same as well. But still, some risks are there which may be involved, so do prepare for it as well. These are as follows:-


After a liver biopsy, chances are there at the biopsy site, you might feel some pain. Don't worry it is a mild discomfort that will be resolved with the medications given to you. But if it is getting severe, approach the doctor immediately.


If a person is not paying attention to cleanliness, then chances are their bacteria may enter the abdominal cavity through the biopsy site and causes infection. Make sure to keep your surroundings neat and clean throughout.  Gastro Specialist helps you.


Chances of bleeding are also there after a liver biopsy. Therefore pay attention to it. In case of excessive bleeding is occurring approach the gastro doctor immediately so that they can do something to stop it.

Here we have come to an end and discussed whether a liver biopsy is painful or not. Mild discomfort will be there, but after a week, a person will be able to resume their activities sufficiently. But it is important for them to be sure about the recovery period and take enough precautions as well. If you are facing any problems, feel free to approach your doctor immediately. 

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